From the NWS for our area: Hazardous Weather Outlook
Flash Flood Warning / Severe Thunderstorm Watch / Flood Warning
More of the same for yet another week, I’m afraid. This weather is getting to be a bit much. At least they’ve lifted the tornado warning.
We moved the sheep the other day to pasture that was green with grass growing nicely. Two nights in a row, they were subjected to severe thunderstorms. Now today, the forecast is for more – with the added threat of heavy hail. So this morning, Tuck and I brought them back home to the barn. In the pouring rain. We’re both soaked to the skin, but the sheep cooperated nicely and it wasn’t a problem moving them about a quarter of a mile sans PaPa.
I ordered new rubber shoes online and they came none too soon. The back yard:
(I'm not as brave as K who sent a photo of herself walking barefoot in similar conditions at her house.)
The barnyard:
Unfortunately, the garden looks pretty much the same. And we live on top of a hill that is at nearly the highest elevation in the county. I feel sorry for folks who live down by the river.
I saw on the news that the new Royal Princess roller skates! As a matter of fact, there was a photo of her, taken right after she fell on her butt.
Maybe she needs one of these: ! Or, if the budget is a little tight and Prince William is good with hand tools, he could make her one of those contraptions my little granddaughter used at the rink we went to last week – with a saw, some PVC pipe, glue and a few wheels. For the devotees of all things Princess-y, is having Kate on Skates enough to blast the activity out of The Eighties and into the modern decade? (Just curious -- I don’t really care. The grandkids love to go skating when they’re here.)
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
Parrots sneeze, I don't know why geese wouldn't.
ReplyDeleteI think I might invest in one of the sparkly rollerskating outfits Kate modeled... ;)