And then he woke up. (We were telling each other about our crazy dreams the night before, over a cup of coffee.) Isn't it funny how the most bizarre things can be linked and happen all in a few seconds in a dream?
I just got a call from a friend, and I'm SO excited. We've been buddies since the 5th grade ... say, about age 10. If you've not yet figured it out, THAT is a looo-oo-ong time. We rarely see each other any more. The last time was probably eight or ten years ago. We chatted a while on the phone, and decided it's high time we get together again. We have this silly thing we do: we update our high school yearbook by writing in any news we've heard about every single person in the book. It gets harder and harder, especially since I don't keep up with anybody from school except this friend any more ... but we down a few glasses of wine or beer and have a howling good time with it. We set a date for later in the month. If I start now ... and I mean RIGHT now, I can at least have the cobwebs swept out before she arrives. I'll get on it right away!
Oh .. but before I dash off to find a broom (we MUST have one someplace ... ) here's what Dave and Rose got finished while they were here yesterday:

BREAKING NEWS: That book I enjoyed so much and recommended in a recent post, The Help -- is going to be made into a movie next year. That's according to a message I just got from someone who took my advice and read the book. I will definitely have to see the flick and compare it to the original story. Lemme know if you spot it anywhere. I'll probably forget all about it by the time it's released, given my proclivity for losing track of details.
BREAKING NEWS: That book I enjoyed so much and recommended in a recent post, The Help -- is going to be made into a movie next year. That's according to a message I just got from someone who took my advice and read the book. I will definitely have to see the flick and compare it to the original story. Lemme know if you spot it anywhere. I'll probably forget all about it by the time it's released, given my proclivity for losing track of details.
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