Done. And gone. But I did remember to snap a photo or two before it went home to its rightful owner. If you click on the photo, it will enlarge so you can see detail, if you're interested in that. Or, maybe try this one:
I'm a little sorry to see it go -- it was fun to work on. But ... I do have lots more to play with. And I shall get at it first thing tomorrow, so maybe there will be more quilt photos before the end of the week.
Update on the disappearing package saga: The re-ordered merchandise arrived without incident today, via the same delivery service as the lost package. I wasn't home, so once again the anticipated harangue was foiled. Maybe by the time we come face to face again, the driver will (a) have forgotten all about his rant; (b) move to Florida, or better yet, some place where dogs don't live (think: asylum, perhaps?); or (c) move on to another job. Not that I'm wishing he loses his job -- just hoping I don't have to deal with him again.
That quilt is gorgeous!!