This gal called me a few days ago and said she'd like to schedule a day in the studio to use one of our machines to finish up a quilt she needs to get done real soon. Okay, so we set the date for Sunday (today), chatted a while to catch up with each other's lives because it's been a few months since we've talked. Right before she hung up, she said, "Oh, yeah ... I have to tell you ... I just bought the fabric yesterday."
What?!? I asked if I should put her appointed time on the calendar in pencil, then? Nope ... she was pretty sure she'd get it done in time. Okay, then ...
I didn't get a call to reschedule, so thought she probably slapped a few squares and rectangles together in order to get a quilt put together in time. Well ... look at this quilt she did!
(click on photo to enlarge)
Note especially how she fancied up the borders by creating the extension of the beige into the red, and the how the red spills in to make the corners more decorative. Impressive, no?
Today, she did the quilting, using an all-over swirly sort of design that was a good choice because it doesn't overwhelm the piecing, but adds just the right touch. You can't see it in this photo, because I forgot to snap a close-up -- but she used a warm brown thread. Perfect!
If this is intended to be a gift, I don't know how she'll part with it.
Of course, I had to tell her about the recycled grain bag shopping totes some of us are making. Don't forget, if you e-me a photo of yours when you get it done, your name goes in a drawing for a free day in the studio. If you don't know how to use the machines, I'll show you -- it's easy and fun! If you DO know how to use it already, you can use the free day to finish a top into a quilt. The deadline to send my the photo of your finished bag is March 31. Winner of the drawing will be notified April 1. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, go here.
P.S. -- you can see what kind of gorgeous day we were having here by looking over her shoulder at the beautiful blue sky.
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