Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ladybug, Ladybug, fly away home!

These last few days of unseasonable warmth have brought out the ladybugs. Out of hiding in the cracks of walls, that is. Every time I go into the bathroom, there are about a dozen more of them that seem to have come from nowhere. When I find one that is alive, I give it a ride to the nearest plant I can find in hopes of rescuing it from death. Yeah, I know ... but I'm a firm believer in the thought that SPIDERS are our friends, so what do you expect me to do -- squash a ladybug?!? Ugh.

Speaking of ladybugs ... look at this happy little quilt I got to play with yesterday. Why do I love this little thing? Is it because of the happy colors (and ladybugs) on the front? because the dragonfly pattern I used to quilt it is just so stinkin' cute? or the fact that it's green on the back? Probably all of the above. (click on the photo to enlarge if you want to see detail)

Nope ... I DON'T kill snakes in the yard or garden. But I've got to agree with Adtrid Alauda's sentiments, quoted here: Cockroaches really put my "all creatures great and small" creed to the test. Glad I don't live where I'd have to share quarters with THOSE nasty-looking things!

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