Monday, May 28, 2012

Working in the hot sun does this to me ...

It is absolutely broiling hot here today. (To me, anything over 70 degrees is too warm, and once it surpases 80, we're entering the gates of Hell as far as I'm concerned.) Gardener Me was determined to get an early start this morning and may have told DH that last night or something. It should never have been spoken aloud! Seems That Force that works to defeat me discoverd my plan and turned the heat up way early this morning. By ten a.m., the thermometer was rapidly rising above the 70-degree mark. Gardener Me planted, hoed, mulched and weeded. And I nearly had a heat stroke.

(columbine are starting to fail; peonies just starting to bloom here)

New plan for the day: work about forty minutes, come in and soak my head lest someone try to fry an egg on it, rest for a bit before returning to the tasks at hand. While taking my little breaks, waiting for my purple-red face to return somewhat to normal, my over-heated brain goes wandering without me. At one point, it started conjuring up knitting projects to do. Knitting? Wool? In THIS heat? Ugh! But yes ... that Fool who's running the brainshow today started flipping through magazines, searching for a knitting project.

Which made Sensible Me wonder (maybe even aloud, I don't know ... with all the Me's arguing about what we're going to do later today, it's hard to hear Myself think) -- whatever happened to that entrelac scarf Knitter Me made several years ago? It was quite a challenge, but I distinctly remember struggling through it, tearing out hours and hours' worth of knitting to get it right. And now there is not a sign of that scarf anywhere. I shouldn't have mentioned it, because now the Knitter-Me wants to go tear the closet apart and find that thing. As if there's nothing more important to do today. Sigh.

(clematis has lots of blossoms this year; was supposed to be jackmanii but I'm guessing it was mis-marked)

Gardener Me prevailed, and another row of tomatoes got mulched and the cantaloupe seedlings were set into their plot (but didn't get mulched before the sun ended another "go" in the garden. While Hungry Me is trying to decide what to have for lunch, Knitter- and Quilter-Me are arguing over what will be done after lunch. Housekeeper-Me is taking the holiday off. (She's actually very lazy and takes several holidays a week, truth be told!)

I think I'll pacify Gardener-Me with a promise to return to the garden later this afternoon when the sun heads West for the evening, and take Quilter-Me up on the offer to finish up a project that's been haunting me for a couple of days. Maybe I'll even have a picture of whatever gets accomplished later on ... stay tuned!

But right now, Hungry-Me is having a fit ... screeching something about a sandwich calling from the kitchen. Better go investigate ...

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