Monday, January 24, 2011

The fun just never ends ...

Well below zero here this morning. Going out is manageable with multiple layers of wool and fleece. If only I could keep my feet warm! The animals are all fine out in the barn, but a water pipe started spewing, and the only way to stop it was to shut off the main valve which also turns off the water to the house. It will have to stay that way until DH returns and comes to my rescue. I don't mind coffee left over from yesterday for breakfast so much, but I can't make my oatmeal because I used up all the water that was left in the teapot to wash my hands. Guess I'll just hafta go with the blueberry pie. Too bad.

And if my car doesn't refuse to start, I'll be heading to the dentist again today. Oh, yippee!

Here are the newest additions to my CW collection. I'm beginning to wonder what kind of mess I'm into with all these different patterns and colors. Let's hope for the best, because I intend to continue.

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