I've been cranking out quilts like a mad woman. Photos will come when I get my new camera. It's on order.
Tuesday afternoon I managed to stitch through my thumb on the longarm. Owch! Actually, it didn't hurt nearly as much as you would think. I thought for sure it would be all swollen and sore the next day, but it isn't. Odd, eh? The needle went in alongside my thumbnail, through the fleshy part and out again on the "in" side of my thumb. And I kid you not: it doesn't hurt at all! Scared the snot outta me, though. I'm usually very careful, but was startled by an alarming noise and in a split second, wham! I'm current on my tetanus shot after last year's episode of poking a hole in my hand on the barbed wire fence.
You know what they say about all work and no play ...? Here's evidence that I took some time last night to go "play" with my friends (photo thanks to Kelly who's always got a camera at the ready):

These ladies are a few members of the Endless Mountains Quilt Guild at the B Mets Stitch & Pitch night -- most of us were knitting because it's really hard to work on a quilt while watching a ball game. (L-R it's Kelly grinning ear-to-ear in the back row sitting next to Carolyn, The Village Idiot, Stacey and AJ; Ceil, Cassandra, Amy and Mary in front of us. The empty seat belonged to the guy in the group who took the photo for us.)
That poor guy -- Mary's DH -- was absolutely mauled by a stadium mascot/clown. I originally was supposed to be in that Seat #22, and fear I would have been his target had I not earlier moved back a row. Ghack! I would not have been such a good sport as Mary's husband was. That clown would have been pierced about the head and neck with all four of my knitting needles if he came after me -- at the expense of my sock-in-progress.
It was a fun night, even if we didn't get much accomplished. At least we didn't get beaned by a fly ball!
Now it's time to get back to work."Listen to everyone, read everything, and don't believe anything unless you can prove it." B.C.