Mmmm ... picked THIS this morning. Lots more where that came from. Now all I need is some energy to do something with it.

I've been so sick I've not had much energy to do anything. These baby quilts are due to be turned in at the quilt guild meeting on Thursday. Cathie and Linda wanted to know if you can load more than one thing at a time on the machine ... here's proof positive. I got both of them quilted in less than an hour this way. Here's how: I basted the backing pieces end to end and loaded them as one, in such a way that I could get the most quilting done in one pass, across the two quilts. It took 12 minutes per pass, times four passes. Ta-da! All that was left to do was the binding. Barring calamity, I think I'll have them done on time for collection for Quilts 4 Kids.
Yummmyyy!! Rhubarb!!