Our quilting guild is having a show in a few weeks. Here’s my entry:
Do you think I’ll get it finished in time? The optimist in me says I will. The realist in me says “no way.” Oh … you didn’t know about my multiple personalities? Not in the clinical sense, mind you, but there’s certainly more than one side to my story. One of the ladies here recently asked me if I work well under pressure. Is there any other way? Who knew?!?
Cyndi F came and did a queen-sized quilt in a day here last Thursday. My camera was in hiding at the moment. She promises to send a photo we took with her phone, and I’ll post it when I get it – very nice Storm At Sea, quilted with a wavy design to carry on the theme.
Linda M was here the same day, but didn’t get finished so will return tomorrow. She’s busy with an original design by Cathi W – done in Civil War repro fabs and custom quilting. It’s a ton of work, but will be spectacular when she gets it done. You’ll know when that happens – the sigh of relief will surely be heard ‘round the world. I'll bet you can see it at the quilt show September 24-25 ( http://www.emqg.org/2011show.html -- they are vending patterns there).
LOL. you are in worse shape than me! I finished assembling my last wall hanging yesterday. I now have binding to do on the two quilts I did on your machine, and 5 wallhangings to quilt.