Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oh, yeah ... I want THAT!

I was just perusing the website of my favorite yarn shop because they sent me a message advertising a sale. Yes, I confess -- I'm an impulse shopper and they know how to tease me. But would you get a load of this?!? (And don't miss the "regular" price X'd out -- it's reduced to just 29.99 now!)

I think I'll order several skeins and place them strategically around the neighborhood for fun. Is it just me? Or does anybody else see a skunk?

The quilters are busy, trying to get everything finished before their holiday gift-giving begins. Here's Melanie (doesn't she remind you of Bonnie Hunter?) -- note the time on the wall clock. She's winding down to the end, still with a smile on her face.

And while she was quilting, Holly was knitting up a scarf. She finished before Melanie:

On Tuesday, Nancy did another of her very large quilts:

The quilt, ready for binding and wrapping paper:

Did I show you the clever way Carla used up scraps for the backing of the "comforter/quilt" she made for her son?:

And this baby is on its way home to Ann via the Merry Mailman:

Now I've got to get back to work. Tomorrow's going to be a big day!

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