I woke up at 3 o'clock this morning, and wondered what was going on? Then I realized: the house was quiet. Totally quiet. That never happens.
Usually, there is a constant droning in the background -- the refrigerator whirrs incessantly all night, and usually drives me crazy. I have to shut off the computer and fax machine at night or the constant hum keeps me awake from the other room. If a car drives past the house in the night, I know it. Sometimes I feel like shooting the cats that parade across the porch when I'm trying to sleep. Yeah, I know -- I'm a bit sensitive to noise.
So when the fridge stopped making any sound, and there were no other sounds detectable ANYwhere in the dark, I almost panicked. I wondered if I had died or something. Odd feeling, that. Worse yet, what if the REFRIGERATOR died?
I never did figure out why everything got so quiet, but I did ascertain that I am still alive. Which meant I would have to go to my dental appointment in the morning. I did that, and am happy to report all went well there. Phew ... I'm glad that's done. I've been having bad dreams about it for a week. When I woke and heard nothing, I figured I probably had a stroke in my sleep from my scary dreams and, at the very least, went deaf.
Usually, there is a constant droning in the background -- the refrigerator whirrs incessantly all night, and usually drives me crazy. I have to shut off the computer and fax machine at night or the constant hum keeps me awake from the other room. If a car drives past the house in the night, I know it. Sometimes I feel like shooting the cats that parade across the porch when I'm trying to sleep. Yeah, I know -- I'm a bit sensitive to noise.
So when the fridge stopped making any sound, and there were no other sounds detectable ANYwhere in the dark, I almost panicked. I wondered if I had died or something. Odd feeling, that. Worse yet, what if the REFRIGERATOR died?
I never did figure out why everything got so quiet, but I did ascertain that I am still alive. Which meant I would have to go to my dental appointment in the morning. I did that, and am happy to report all went well there. Phew ... I'm glad that's done. I've been having bad dreams about it for a week. When I woke and heard nothing, I figured I probably had a stroke in my sleep from my scary dreams and, at the very least, went deaf.
In the Gardening Department: not much going on except the garlic is about 6 inches tall, the broccoli continues to perform, cabbage and brussels sprouts are still good.
In the Quilting Department: plowing my way thru a pile of customer quilts, and am really on a roll there. I now have three (count 'em!) ways to accomplish cross-hatching on the machine. Learning new tricks keeps it interesting. And ... speaking of new tricks for quilters, have you heard about this one? There is a new website created by Websites For Quilters that helps quilters find specific fabrics. FindMyFabric.com is an fabric search engine that finds fabric and quilting supplies from hundreds of online quilt stores. You can search for products by either typing in words or by uploading a photo from a digital camera. If you use a photo, the search engine uses image recognition technology to find matching fabrics. How cool is that?!? If you ran out of a specific fabric and need a little more to complete your quilt, but don't know the name of the manufacturer, collection, or designer of that print all is not lost! Take a picture of the fabric, upload it, and locate an online retailer that has the fabric in stock. It is supposed to work in seconds. What will they think of next?
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